Table Properties, Formula, Mailings


 Materi kuliah dalam Word: Formula dan Mailings

Data Presiden

How do I use formulas in Word?

On the Table Tools, Layout tab, in the Data group, click Formula. Use the Formula dialog box to create your formula. You can type in the Formula box, select a number format from the Number Format list, and paste in functions and bookmarks using the Paste Function and Paste Bookmark lists.


Sum a column or row of numbers in a table

Word for Microsoft 365 Word 2021 Word 2019 Word 2016

To add up a column or row of numbers in a table, use the Formula command.

1.    Click the table cell where you want your result to appear.

2.    On the Layout tab (under Table Tools), click Formula.

The Formula option is highlighted on the Table Tools Layout tab.

3.    In the Formula box, check the text between the parentheses to make sure Word includes the cells you want to sum, and click OK.

The Sum(Above) formula is shown.


=SUM(ABOVE) adds the numbers in the column above the cell you’re in.

=SUM(LEFT) adds the numbers in the row to the left of the cell you’re in.

=SUM(BELOW) adds the numbers in the column below the cell you’re in.

=SUM(RIGHT) adds the numbers in the row to the right of the cell you’re in.

Tip: If you change any of the numbers you’re adding, select the sum and press F9 to update the total.

You can use more than one formula in a table. For example, you can add up each row of numbers in the right-hand column, and then you can add up those results at the bottom of the column.

Other formulas for tables

Word includes other functions for tables—for example, AVERAGE and PRODUCT.

1.    Click the table cell where you want your result.

2.    On the Layout tab (under Table Tools), click Formula.

The Formula option is highlighted on the Table Tools Layout tab.

3.    In the Formula box, delete the SUM formula, but keep the equal sign (=). Then click the Paste function box and click the function you want.

The paste functions of a formula are shown from the Table Tools Layout tab.

4.    Between the parentheses, type which table cells you want to include in the formula, and then click OK:

Type ABOVE to include the numbers in the column above the cell you’re in.

Type LEFT to include the numbers in the row to the left of the cell you’re in.

Type BELOW to include the numbers in the column below the cell you’re in.

Type RIGHT to include the numbers in the row to the right of the cell you’re in.

For example, to average numbers in the row to the left of the cell, click AVERAGE and type LEFT:


To multiply two numbers, click PRODUCT and type the location of the table cells:


Tip: To include a more specific range of cells in a formula, you can refer to specific cells. Imagine each column in your table has a letter and each row has a number, like in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. For example, to multiply the numbers from the second and third columns in the second row, type =PRODUCT(B2:C2).




Berat  (kg)


























Rata2 è






Ternyata formula pada Word yang “range”nya menggunakan kata “above” bisa menyebabkan kesalahan jika di atas range yang mau dihitung (rata2) itu terdapat cell yang dimerged. Contohnya adalah C1:C2, di mana C1 dan C2 telah dimerged. Walaupun telah merged, namun perhitungannya tetap disebut C1 dan C2. Jika keadaan tidak merged seperti B1:B2 dan E1:E2 maka “above” bisa berfungsi dengan benar.

Solusinya adalah dengan menggunakan pengalamatan cell, contohnya untuk menghitung rata2 tinggi kita bisa mengganti kata “above” dengan B3:B6 dan C3:C6.

Atau bisa juga dengan cara tetap memakai “above” tapi C1:C2 dibiarkan masing2 tetap 2 cells, jangan dimerged. Agar seperti merged, hapus garis di antaranya seperti tampilan B1:B2.

Note: B1:B2 tidak merged, C1:C2 merged

Kesimpulan: Formula Word bingung terhadap istilah “above” dengan cells yang merged.
































Mail merge

Mail merge consists of combining mail and letters and pre-addressed envelopes or mailing labels for mass mailings from a form letter. This feature is usually employed in a word processing document which contains fixed text and variables. Wikipedia

Mail merge lets you create a batch of documents that are personalized for each recipient. For example, a form letter might be personalized to address each recipient by name. A data source, like a list, spreadsheet, or database, is associated with the document. Placeholders--called merge fields--tell Word where in the document to include information from the data source. Microsoft.

A mail merge is a method of taking data from a database, spreadsheet, or other form of structured data, and inserting it into documents such as letters, mailing labels, and name tags. You can also print a set of mailing labels or envelopes by doing a mail merge. Indiana University.

Mail Merge is a handy feature that incorporates data from both Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel and allows you to create multiple documents at once, such as letters, saving you the time and effort of retyping the same letter over and over. Midwestern State University Texas.

Mail merge is a feature within most data processing applications that enables users to send a similar letter or document to multiple recipients. It enables connecting a single form template with a data source that contains information about the recipient’s name, address and other predefined and supported data. Techopedia

Mail Merge adalah alat yang berguna yang memungkinkan Anda untuk menghasilkan beberapa surat, label, amplop, tag nama, dan lainnya menggunakan informasi yang disimpan dalam daftar, database, atau spreadsheet. Ketika memanfaatkan Merge Mail, Anda memerlukan dokumen Word (Anda bisa mulai dengan yang sudah ada atau membuat yang baru) dan daftar penerima, yang biasanya sebuah workbook Excel. GFCGlobal.


Word, Excel, Access dan any structured


1.    Main /master è Data

2.    Data è Main /master (letter, newsletter, …. dll)


Main /master, Data, Merged Document

Urutan 1:

1.    In a blank Microsoft Word document, click on the Mailings tab, and in the Start Mail Merge group, click Start Mail Merge .

2.    Click Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard .

3.    Select your document type. ...

4.    Select the starting document. ...

5.    Select recipients. ...

6.    Write the letter and add custom fields.


Urutan 2:

Buat data atau recipients dalam file Word (docx) ataupun Excel (xlsx)

Buat file master (contoh typenya “letter”), ketik sampai selesai.

Hubungkan dengan file data yang sudah dibuat sebelumnya (select recipients).

Insert variabel2 (misal nama, alamat dll) dalam file master atau main di atas.

Preview untuk melihat hasilnya



1.    Temukan 2 keuntungan mail merge

2.    Temukan 2 file yang terlibat untuk mewujudkan mail merge

3.    Temukan hubungan mail merge dan mailings

4.    Temukan arti kata mail merge secara etimology


The mail merge process involves taking information from one document, known as the data source, combining with another document known as the main document. The data source is a document, spreadsheet or database that contains personalized information such as names, addresses, and phone numbers. Smith College


How many files do you need to apply mail merge?

It usually requires two files, one storing the variable data to be inserted, and the other containing both the instructions for formatting the variable data and the information that will be identical across each result of the mail merge. Indiana University (


Mail merge primarily consists of two files, the Main Document and the Data Source. The Main Document contains the information that will remain the same in each record, and the Data Source contains all the variable information, in the form of fields.



The advantages of Mail Merge are as follows: The Mail Merge feature makes it easy to send the same letter to a large number of people. By using Mail Merge, we don't have to type each recipient's name separately in each letter. We need to proofread only the main document. It is economical and saves a lot of time.


Files involve in mail merge:

  1. The main document contains the basic text that is the same in all of the output documents. ...
  2. The recipient list is a database that contains the data that is to be merged into the output documents. ...
  3. The output documents are the result of the mail merge. (It depends)


How To Create a Mail Merge In Microsoft WordMail Merge. Pada langkah pertama yaitu dalam sub menu Main Document,  terdapat pilihan : - PDF Free DownloadCara Membuat Mail Merge Dari Excel Ke Word - Ascarya

Cara Membuat Surat ke Banyak Penerima (Mail Merge) Word - TutorialDuaEnam


Cara Membuat mail merge di ms word menggunakan data excel untuk label  undangan dan surat masal - Panduan Ms Office













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